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Shop Old - The Great Republic

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"The Council of War" Cast Plaster Sculpture by John Rogers, 1868 - The Great Republic"The Council of War" Cast Plaster Sculpture by John Rogers, 1868 - The Great Republic
"The Death of General Wolfe" Engraving by William Woollett, after Benjamin West, 1776"The Death of General Wolfe" Engraving by William Woollett, after Benjamin West, 1776 - The Great Republic
"The Declaration of Independence" Broadside, Published by Phelps & Ensign, circa 1841 - The Great Republic"The Declaration of Independence" Broadside, Published by Phelps & Ensign, circa 1841 - The Great Republic
"The Flags of the Principal Nations of the World" Engraving by R. L. Barnes, 1837 - The Great Republic"The Flags of the Principal Nations of the World" Engraving by R. L. Barnes, 1837 - The Great Republic
"The Old Flag and Protection" Benjamin Harrison Campaign Handkerchief, 1888 - The Great Republic"The Old Flag and Protection" Benjamin Harrison Campaign Handkerchief, 1888 - The Great Republic
"The President's House, From Washington" Hand Colored Print, after William Henry Bartlett - The Great Republic"The President's House, From Washington" Hand Colored Print, after William Henry Bartlett - The Great Republic
Save $300.00"The Stone Faceder" Signed Horse Print by Snaffles, Circa 1934 - The Great Republic"The Stone Faceder" Signed Horse Print by Snaffles, Circa 1934 - The Great Republic
"The Stone Faceder" Signed Horse Print by Snaffles, Circa 1934 Sale price$1,050.00 Regular price$1,350.00
"The U.S. Marines Want You" Vintage WWII Recruitment Poster, 1940 - The Great Republic"The U.S. Marines Want You" Vintage WWII Recruitment Poster, 1940 - The Great Republic
"They Did Their Part" Vintage WWII Poster, 1943 - The Great Republic
"U.S. Flag Behind Capitol" by Ron Sloan, Mixed Media Painting on Illustration Board, 1985 - The Great Republic"U.S. Flag Behind Capitol" by Ron Sloan, Mixed Media Painting on Illustration Board, 1985 - The Great Republic
"U.S. Marines on Land at Sea in the Air Defend America" Vintage WWII Poster by Paul Woyshner, 1942 - The Great Republic"U.S. Marines on Land at Sea in the Air Defend America" Vintage WWII Poster by Paul Woyshner, 1942 - The Great Republic
"U.S. Marines. Reserved for you!" Vintage WWII Marine Corps Recruitment Poster by Joe Richards, 1941 - The Great Republic"U.S. Marines. Reserved for you!" Vintage WWII Marine Corps Recruitment Poster by Joe Richards, 1941 - The Great Republic
"View of the Capitol at Washington" Hand Colored Print, after William Henry Bartlett - The Great Republic"View of the Capitol at Washington" Hand Colored Print, after William Henry Bartlett - The Great Republic
"Vote on the Woman Suffrage Ballot" North Dakota Ballot Broadside, circa 1917 - The Great Republic"Vote on the Woman Suffrage Ballot" North Dakota Ballot Broadside, circa 1917 - The Great Republic
"Votes for Women" Pennant, Early 20th Century - The Great Republic
"Wanted - Fighting Dollars. Make Every Pay - Day Bond - Day" Vintage WWII Defense Bonds Poster, 1942 - The Great Republic"Wanted - Fighting Dollars. Make Every Pay - Day Bond - Day" Vintage WWII Defense Bonds Poster, 1942 - The Great Republic
"War Against Fires of War with the Fire Guard" Vintage WWII Civilian Defense Volunteer Poster by Fink, 1943 - The Great Republic
"War Clouds Gather!" Vintage Navy League Poster by Hazel Roberts, 1916 - The Great Republic"War Clouds Gather!" Vintage Navy League Poster by Hazel Roberts, 1916 - The Great Republic
"Warhawks Are Killers!" Vintage WWII U.S. Army Air Force Poster, 1943 - The Great Republic
"Washington Bicentennial 1732 - 1932" Parade Flag, Printed Gold and Blue, circa 1930 - The Great Republic"Washington Bicentennial 1732 - 1932" Parade Flag, Printed Gold and Blue, circa 1930 - The Great Republic
"Washington Bicentennial 1732 - 1932" Parade Flag, Printed Red, White, and Blue, circa 1930 - The Great Republic
"Washington/ Go By Train/ Pennsylvania Railroad" Vintage Travel Poster - The Great Republic"Washington/ Go By Train/ Pennsylvania Railroad" Vintage Travel Poster - The Great Republic
"Washington/ Pennsylvania Railroad/ Go By Train" Vintage Travel Poster, 1949 - The Great Republic"Washington/ Pennsylvania Railroad/ Go By Train" Vintage Travel Poster, 1949 - The Great Republic
"We Clear the Way for Your Fighting Dollars" WWI Fourth Liberty Loan Poster by Scott Ethridge - The Great Republic"We Clear the Way for Your Fighting Dollars" WWI Fourth Liberty Loan Poster by Scott Ethridge - The Great Republic
"We depend on them - They depend on us. Save through the Post Office Savings Bank" Vintage WWII Poster, 1941 - The Great Republic
"We Have Just Begun to Fight!" Vintage WWII Poster, 1943 - The Great Republic
"Wear the 'FIGHTIN'EST' wings in the service" Vintage WWII Marine Recruitment Poster, 1942 - The Great Republic"Wear the 'FIGHTIN'EST' wings in the service" Vintage WWII Marine Recruitment Poster, 1942 - The Great Republic
"What did you do today...for Freedom?" Vintage WWII Recruitment Poster, 1943 - The Great Republic
"What is the Federal Suffrage Amendment?" National Woman Suffrage Broadside, 1917 - The Great Republic"What is the Federal Suffrage Amendment?" National Woman Suffrage Broadside, 1917 - The Great Republic
"Women of the Allies. Fight For Freedom" Vintage WWII British Poster - The Great Republic
"Work on a farm...this Summer. Join the U.S. Crop Corps" Vintage WWII Recruitment Poster by Douglas, 1943 - The Great Republic"Work on a farm...this Summer. Join the U.S. Crop Corps" Vintage WWII Recruitment Poster by Douglas, 1943 - The Great Republic
"Wounded to the Rear. One More Shot" Civil War Plaster Sculpture by John Rogers - The Great Republic"Wounded to the Rear. One More Shot" Civil War Plaster Sculpture by John Rogers - The Great Republic
Save $2,000.00"Yellowstone Park" Northern Pacific Railroad Poster, after Thomas Moran, 1924 - The Great Republic"Yellowstone Park" Northern Pacific Railroad Poster, after Thomas Moran, 1924 - The Great Republic
"You Buy 'Em, We'll Fly 'Em!" Vintage WWII Defense Bonds Poster by Wilkinsons, 1942 - The Great Republic"You Buy 'Em, We'll Fly 'Em!" Vintage WWII Defense Bonds Poster by Wilkinsons, 1942 - The Great Republic
"You can't afford to miss Either! Buy Bonds Every Payday" Vintage WWII Bonds Poster, 1944 - The Great Republic"You can't afford to miss Either! Buy Bonds Every Payday" Vintage WWII Bonds Poster, 1944 - The Great Republic
"Your '19'" Vintage WWII U.S. Treasury Poster, 1944 - The Great Republic"Your '19'" Vintage WWII U.S. Treasury Poster, 1944 - The Great Republic
"Youthful Franklin" Bronze Statue of Young Benjamin Franklin on Marble Base - The Great Republic"Youthful Franklin" Bronze Statue of Young Benjamin Franklin on Marble Base - The Great Republic
13 - Star Anchor Nautical Ensign - The Great Republic13 - Star Anchor Nautical Ensign - The Great Republic
13-Star Anchor Nautical Ensign Sale price$5,800.00
13 - Star Flag Waver for the Centennial Celebration - The Great Republic13 - Star Flag Waver for the Centennial Celebration - The Great Republic
13 - Star Patriotic Sash by Louis E. Stilz & Bros., Late 19th Century - The Great Republic13 - Star Patriotic Sash by Louis E. Stilz & Bros., Late 19th Century - The Great Republic
13 - Star Yacht Ensign, O.C.& K.R. Wilson, Ship Chandleries, Early 20th Century - The Great Republic13 - Star Yacht Ensign, O.C.& K.R. Wilson, Ship Chandleries, Early 20th Century - The Great Republic
1812 "United States of Nth America - Carte des Etats - Unis De L'Amerique Septentrionale" by Tardieu- The Great Republic1812 "United States of Nth America - Carte des Etats - Unis De L'Amerique Septentrionale" by Tardieu- The Great Republic
1818 Declaration of Independence Broadside Engraved by Benjamin Owen Tyler - The Great Republic1818 Declaration of Independence Broadside Engraved by Benjamin Owen Tyler - The Great Republic
1835 "The United States from the Latest Authorities" Hanging Wall Map by Ezra Strong - The Great Republic1835 "The United States from the Latest Authorities" Hanging Wall Map by Ezra Strong - The Great Republic
1837 Mitchell's "Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Virginia" by J.H. Young - The Great Republic1837 Mitchell's "Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Virginia" by J.H. Young - The Great Republic
1838 Chippeway Squaw & Child Hand - Colored Lithograph - The Great Republic1838 Chippeway Squaw & Child Hand - Colored Lithograph - The Great Republic
1838 Sha - Ha - Ka: A Mandan Chief Hand - Colored Lithograph - The Great Republic1838 Sha - Ha - Ka: A Mandan Chief Hand - Colored Lithograph - The Great Republic
1840 "Map of the City of Washington" Published by William M. Morrison - The Great Republic1840 "Map of the City of Washington" Published by William M. Morrison - The Great Republic
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