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Vintage "Bill Clinton, Albert Gore, January 20th, 1993, 42nd President" Inaugural Pennant - The Great RepublicVintage "Bill Clinton, Albert Gore, January 20th, 1993, 42nd President" Inaugural Pennant - The Great Republic
Vintage "Covered Wagons and the Rocky Mountains" Blue Transferware Bread Plate by Johnson Brothers, c. 1938 - The Great RepublicVintage "Covered Wagons and the Rocky Mountains" Blue Transferware Bread Plate by Johnson Brothers, c. 1938 - The Great Republic
Vintage "Historical Philadelphia" Blue Transferware Plate by The Rowland & Marsellus Co. - The Great RepublicVintage "Historical Philadelphia" Blue Transferware Plate by The Rowland & Marsellus Co. - The Great Republic
Vintage "Michigan Avenue" Blue Transferware Small Plate by Johnson Brothers - The Great RepublicVintage "Michigan Avenue" Blue Transferware Small Plate by Johnson Brothers - The Great Republic
Vintage "Old Boston Theatre" Blue Transferware Plate, 1899 - The Great RepublicVintage "Old Boston Theatre" Blue Transferware Plate, 1899 - The Great Republic
Vintage "Pollards Ships Chandlery" Wooden Sign, Mid 20th Century - The Great RepublicVintage "Pollards Ships Chandlery" Wooden Sign, Mid 20th Century - The Great Republic
Vintage "Spirit of '76" Bookends by S.C.C., 1974 - The Great RepublicVintage "Spirit of '76" Bookends by S.C.C., 1974 - The Great Republic
Vintage "The Hancock House" Blue Transferware Bowl by Johnson Brothers - The Great RepublicVintage "The Hancock House" Blue Transferware Bowl by Johnson Brothers - The Great Republic
Vintage "The Washington Plate" Red Staffordshire Plate by Jon Roth - The Great RepublicVintage "The Washington Plate" Red Staffordshire Plate by Jon Roth - The Great Republic
Vintage "Washington D.C. Eisenhower - Nixon Inauguration" Pennant, 1953 - The Great RepublicVintage "Washington D.C. Eisenhower - Nixon Inauguration" Pennant, 1953 - The Great Republic
Vintage Abraham Lincoln Bust Bookends by Philadelphia Manufacturing Co. - The Great RepublicVintage Abraham Lincoln Bust Bookends by Philadelphia Manufacturing Co. - The Great Republic
Vintage Adlake RR Lantern, 1945 - 1965 - The Great RepublicVintage Adlake RR Lantern, 1945 - 1965 - The Great Republic
Vintage Air Force Academy Falcons Pennant, Circa 1950s - The Great RepublicVintage Air Force Academy Falcons Pennant, Circa 1950s - The Great Republic
Vintage Bill Clinton and Al Gore "Presidential Inauguration" Pennant, 1997 - The Great RepublicVintage Bill Clinton and Al Gore "Presidential Inauguration" Pennant, 1997 - The Great Republic
Vintage Brass Eagle On Rocks - The Great RepublicVintage Brass Eagle On Rocks - The Great Republic
Vintage Carved Spreadwing Wooden Eagle - The Great RepublicVintage Carved Spreadwing Wooden Eagle - The Great Republic
Vintage Cast - Iron Eagle Sculpture, Early 20th Century - The Great RepublicVintage Cast - Iron Eagle Sculpture, Early 20th Century - The Great Republic
Vintage Colorado Springs Postcards by Hook Photo, 1890 - The Great RepublicVintage Colorado Springs Postcards by Hook Photo, 1890 - The Great Republic
Vintage Garden of the Gods Postcards by Hook Photo, 1890 - The Great RepublicVintage Garden of the Gods Postcards by Hook Photo, 1890 - The Great Republic
Vintage George Bush and Dan Quayle "Inaugural January 20, 1989" Pennant, 1989 - The Great RepublicVintage George Bush and Dan Quayle "Inaugural January 20, 1989" Pennant, 1989 - The Great Republic
Vintage Hand - Carved and Painted Wooden Eagle with Shield and Arrows, Early 20th Century - The Great RepublicVintage Hand - Carved and Painted Wooden Eagle with Shield and Arrows, Early 20th Century - The Great Republic
Vintage Paul Revere's Midnight Ride Bookends by S.C.C., 1974 - The Great RepublicVintage Paul Revere's Midnight Ride Bookends by S.C.C., 1974 - The Great Republic
Vintage President George Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle "America's Bicentennial Presidential Inaugural" Pennant, 1989 - The Great RepublicVintage President George Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle "America's Bicentennial Presidential Inaugural" Pennant, 1989 - The Great Republic
Vintage Rayo Pony No. 21 Lantern - The Great RepublicVintage Rayo Pony No. 21 Lantern - The Great Republic
Vintage Thomas Jefferson Bust Wooden Wall Hanging, Early 20th Century - The Great RepublicVintage Thomas Jefferson Bust Wooden Wall Hanging, Early 20th Century - The Great Republic
Vintage U.S. Great Seal Bookends, Circa 1950s - The Great RepublicVintage U.S. Great Seal Bookends, Circa 1950s - The Great Republic
Vintage Union Jack, Circa 1950s - The Great RepublicVintage Union Jack, Circa 1950s - The Great Republic
Vintage Washington at Valley Forge Bookends, Circa 1930s - The Great RepublicVintage Washington at Valley Forge Bookends, Circa 1930s - The Great Republic
Walter Johnson Signature Collage - The Great RepublicWalter Johnson Signature Collage - The Great Republic
Washington, Lafayette, and Tilghman at Yorktown, Etching by Albert Rosenthal after Peale, Signed Proof - The Great Republic
Winner Take Nothing by Ernest Hemingway, First Edition with Original Dust Jacket, 1933 - The Great RepublicWinner Take Nothing by Ernest Hemingway, First Edition with Original Dust Jacket, 1933 - The Great Republic
Works of the Late Doctor Benjamin Franklin, Consisting of His Life Written By Himself, Together With Essays, in Two Volumes, 1796 - The Great RepublicWorks of the Late Doctor Benjamin Franklin, Consisting of His Life Written By Himself, Together With Essays, in Two Volumes, 1796 - The Great Republic
Works of the Late Doctor Benjamin Franklin, Third Edition, Two Volumes Bound Together, 1794 - The Great RepublicWorks of the Late Doctor Benjamin Franklin, Third Edition, Two Volumes Bound Together, 1794 - The Great Republic
WWI Union Jack Silk Flag, Circa 1918 - The Great Republic
Yeager, An Autobiography by Chuck Yeager and Leo Janos, Signed by Chuck Yeager, Third Edition, 1985 - The Great RepublicYeager, An Autobiography by Chuck Yeager and Leo Janos, Signed by Chuck Yeager, Third Edition, 1985 - The Great Republic
You Only Live Twice by Ian Fleming, First Edition, in Original Dust Jacket, 1964 - The Great RepublicYou Only Live Twice by Ian Fleming, First Edition, in Original Dust Jacket, 1964 - The Great Republic
“A Football Match, Scotland v. England” by William Overhand and Lionel Smythe, Signed Photogravure, 1889 - The Great Republic“A Football Match, Scotland v. England” by William Overhand and Lionel Smythe, Signed Photogravure, 1889 - The Great Republic
“The Restaurant of the House of Representatives” Wood Engraving by Harper's Weekly, 1893 - The Great Republic“The Restaurant of the House of Representatives” Wood Engraving by Harper's Weekly, 1893 - The Great Republic
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